It's a sunny cold crisp November 2020 winters day outside my office window, but my attention is fully given to Dr Jane Smith speaking to me on Zoom.
I'm working with her to create a clear vision for her future success in business and life. Annoyance and frustration with herself are very apparent, and rapidly escalating, as she struggles to draw together and combine the multiple strands of her life and work, into a clear and concisely stated Vision.
As she describes each strand and becomes ever entangled in the maelstrom of overwhelming growing around her, I realise that the time for questions is over:
“I can see you’re struggling...may I suggest what I believe you’re trying to describe”?
“Yes, please do!” I suggested her vision is “to be a global expert in [her discipline], travelling the world, doing good, and making money along the way”.
Her instant reaction, with explosive enthusiasm and energy, massive smiles, and bouncing up and down in her chair:
“Yes. That’s it!, ….that’s what I want…
..I just couldn’t see that…. ...thank you so much ...that’s brilliant”.
A breakthrough had been achieved for her, which was further refined into a focused and clear Vision, giving inspirational purpose and creating energy and drive.
For myself; one of those familiar moments that is what coaching is all about!
Our session continued, with her bubbling enthusiasm and energy, to define for each strand, specific 1 year and monthly goals, to achieve that overall Vision. Thereby, creating a structure to ensure her fulfilment of that vision, with assistance through my on-line platform and our ongoing coaching relationship.
If you’re struggling with clarity of purpose, vision or goals, or just don’t seem to be able to follow through on these, please message me. I’m always happy to have an exploratory discussion to see what may be possible, and I may even be able to make an immediate difference.